Monday, October 19, 2009


Ah... we humans are such weird creatures. We always want the impossible.

Like me now wanting to load up pics here... but my handphone's under repair -.-.

Strange eh... we never treasure what we have until the last moment its gonna be gone from us...

In reality, we all know that we can't always have what we want. In fact, we dun rly nid anything... right?

Pride, greed, ego, curiosity, pleasure, jealousy. If you look carefully, arent these the very reasons for why we want something?

All of them, certainly can be seen in a 'bad' sort of way. As in all of them... could be part of a sin.

So is it a sin to want? To want something which we do not need to simply live on as a person?

But then you think... what if the want was for something not for yourself? The Greater Good? The person you love?

Heh wads wif me... i guess there's just no answer to that. Seriously i dun rly think there can be an answer to questions of morality of this sort.

But still then... I am still left wanting... wanting something that cannot be obtained. Just as everyone else is. =)

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